Saturday, July 08, 2006
stupid dogs
Y'know.. i was just thinking about dogs. And you know those 'well-trained' dogs that can perform stunts and sit or stay at the master's call. Everyone marvels at these 'well-trained' dogs and say that they are highly intelligent, very clever, obedient, etc.
But i was thinking.. isn't this quite stupid of them actually?
Imagine you are walking on the streets. Then suddenly this bigger sized guy (i would say giant, but since they don't exist, let's just say bigger-sized guy) comes up and says to you 'hey human, sit!'
Would you actually sit down? Would you follow any of his instructions?? Obviously, because you have decent intelligence (otherwise you won't be reading this blog already) (i'm not saying this blog needs high intelligence to read, i mean, it takes a basic fundamental level of intelligence to know how to come to this blog and read it. you know.) , you will most probably ignore him, run away, or call the police.
So why are dogs that listen to instructions gullibly termed 'smart dogs'? I would say those that heck care your instructions and just laze around and sleep are the smarter ones.